Thursday, August 27, 2009

Thank u, Yahoo

A great story from Yahoo news

Update: AP has since updated the story to make it more family friendly. While the hijacker was trying to escape bystanders after the crash, he crawled under the bus and apparently lost his pants. The landscape guy dragged him out by his foot to reveal a special surprise: the only garment our neighborhood hijacker was wearing was a condom. The hijacker was not completely naked as the AP reports, but was wearing some protection.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Ford Lookalike

Recently on my way to the office I've been encountering this guy who bears an uncanny resemblance to our former dear leader Gerald R. Ford. He looks kind of like the picture shown left.

Power Outage

There was a power outage in my girl's apartment, so I went outside to play with some wires, to see if I could help.

At the moment this picture was taken, I experienced a little electric shock. Maybe you can tell. But everything is fine now, my heart started beating again a little later with the help of another little electrical zap.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Bio essen

Me and my girl were recently discussing the German penchant for biological food stuffs---what we call "organic food" in my country. The terminology strikes me as a little strange, since it suggests that if we weren't eating bio-food we would normally be eating inorganic substances. According to Wikipedia, an inorganic substance is any compound not involving carbon---except certain carbonates, simple oxides of carbon and cyanides, as well as the allotropes of carbon. I am trying to think of how many inorganic materials out there that we humans can really ingest. My list so far is: water, salt (sodium chloride), and potassium chloride. In addition there are some substances which are probably OK to swallow but indigestable: elemental carbon, glass, various pure metals and semimetals. This list is probably longer. Do any of my loyal readers have any other substances to add to the list?

Update: The list should include MgSO_4 according to Sveti. I wonder how it tastes? Other comments were not as helpful.

Least favorite things...

Putting on socks when my feet are wet!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Friday, August 14, 2009

Tamal vs. Tamale

I was at the airport in LAX and I needed something to eat. There was a Mexican restaurant so I ate there, since I don't get Mexican food that often. I looked at their menu and decided to order their "tamale and enchilada" combo, when I realized that tamale is not the correct Spanish word. It should be spelled "tamal." Of course, I knew the Mexican servers at the counter knew this. So when ordering the food, I couldn't decide whether to say "tamale" or "tamal." On the one hand, tamal is correct, but on the other hand maybe I shouldn't be pretending to speak Spanish, and recognize the correct English translation as "tamale." In the end I asked for tamale, since I didn't want to act like a know-it-all. What do u think, my loyal readers, did I do the right thing?

Monday, August 3, 2009

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Last night I was outside my condo in Aspen when a lady walked by and asked my the name of the street we were on. I had no idea, so I shrugged my shoulders and she immediately shot back, "oh, that's original!" She walked away and left me a little puzzled. I wondered what sort of people she hangs out with, that so frequently shrug their shoulders when asked a street name. Or maybe not knowing street names has been a big fad in the US recently. Anyway, this morning when leaving my apartment I noticed that there was a street sign standing right behind the spot where I met the lady. The name on the sign is "Original."


Can you find a solution to the equation 2+1=0? If you can I will be very impressed!

Very surprised to find you reading my blog!