Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Mysterious Sound

Last night I was trying to sleep and heard a little sound in my left ear. It sounded pretty much like a pure tone, which made me think my ear was ringing. But then it didn't go away, and it was slightly changing pitch. So I raised my head from the pillow and realized that now I was hearing the sound in both ears. That means it must be real. I tried to ignore it for another couple of minutes, but it was really bothering me. So eventually I got out of bed to try to figure out what the sound was. Couldn't figure it out for a while, and then realized that the sound may be coming from outside. So I opened the door to hear what sounded like a running engine, disturbingly close in this remote locale at midnight. I grabbed my pants to check it out when suddenly a helicopter emerged with a searchlight from over the trees. The guy was flashing his light directly into the window as I squinted my eyes. I thought he might be in on the plot, but he flew away. Now with pants on I rushed outside to see what was happening. But the sound was gone. So I decided to walk down to the office structure to pick up my copy of "Aspects of Symmetry," which I had been thinking about before going to sleep. Put the book by my bedside table, jumped into the bed beside my girl, and went to sleep.

1 comment:

  1. If you keep hearing strange sounds further, contact me!
