Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Flesh wound

Recently I was putting together some furniture and I made a mistake, installing the wrong type of screw fasteners. Since they were now bored into the wood, they were very difficult to remove and the only thing that seemed to work was prying with a knife. The knife slipped and I stabbed my left hand. It hurt.


  1. I probably should feel slightly guilty because it was me who suggested you put the funrniture together, on the other hand, I provided medical first aid after the injury and am still supervising its healing. Since I think the wound looks "quite ok" (see the comment to the following blog), I suggest that you finish the chest soon, and then in the next future there shouldn´t be any more dangerou situations.

  2. yea, sorry for lagging on the chest. I was too tired last night!

  3. Oh don´t worry, I was tired too :-)
