Sunday, May 17, 2009

Czech Men

Czech men don't look very good. Yesterday on our way back to Prague we stopped in the Aggip gasoline restaurant. I ordered a toasted sandwich. Just as we were about to sit down one of the ugliest guys I'd ever seen walked in to the restaurant. He had a square face and a round belly and the most hideous frock of hair---it was brown and super curly, the mess extended outwards about a half a foot from his skull and cascaded down below his shoulders. To make matters worse, he wore a red wife-beater showing his pudgy, sweaty arms and Bermuda shorts with a bright floral pattern. It was awful looking at him and I almost instantly lost my appetite. He seemed like a happy guy though---he enjoyed eating his pork and dumplings and gulping down his beer. Then came a surprise: my girl told me that he spoke Slovak. Usually Slovak guys are super cute. Anyway, eventually I did finish my sandwich. The end.


  1. I have to say that I completelly agreed that the man - although it turned out he spoke slovak - looked really terrible. And I think his choice of food explained his looks, he ate the classical Czech meal: pork, cabbage with lot of fat and dumplings, and drank a big bear to it!

  2. 1) did the hair extend forward or backward? i.e. was it a mullet?
    2)do you think that there is a new disease emerging- similar to pig flu- in which you actually turn into a pig from eating too much pork?? we need to tell the world!!
